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Infant Massage Classes

I qualified as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with the Internation Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) in 2016. I have two children and took them to IAIM infant massage classes which we all loved so much that I decided to train as an instructor.

I offer group courses consisting of five classes of 1.5 hours each run over 5 consecutive weeks. I teach a full body massage routine and a short routine to help with colic. I use a life size doll to demonstrate the routine for you.  You will be given detailed handouts to take home with you. There is time for questions and a chance to share your experiences with other parents and carers as we discuss a range of topics throughout the course.

This course is suitable for babies from one month to crawling.

I also offer one-to-one courses. Please contact me for further details

Image by Khoa Pham
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